Maintaining a decent work-life balance has always been one of those things that’s hard to do, throw in working from home and things get even harder for some. Whilst we’re all aware of the perks that come from this (it’ll be hard to give up the extra time in bed when things fully go back to normal), it really does blur the line between work and home.
Have you been finding it hard to switch off for some time now? Here’s how outsourcing your admin can allow you to take a much-needed break for yourself and set some appropriate work-life & home-life boundaries:
Step Away from your Desk Knowing your Inbox Will be in Good Hands:
The limitations of office-based administrative tasks like checking emails can have some of us tethered to our desk for hours, and this is only worsened when working from home. Hand over your tasks to Mint Live, and allow yourself some time to take a walk and get some fresh air.
You’ll find your stress levels are more controlled, your mood will be boosted, and you’ll have finally taken some time for yourself. Make time to get a bit of movement in and feel safe knowing that we’ll be there to take care of the tasks you usually would find time-consuming.
More Time on Your Hands:
Even the best of us can fall culprit to administrative tasks eating up far too much of our, or our team’s productivity. It just makes sense to outsource all of your time-consuming, repetitive admin tasks, so you can use this time elsewhere in a more meaningful way.
This is such a huge advantage as it not only allows you to focus on the parts of your business that matter most, but you can manage your personal time more efficiently too.
So, whether you’ve been meaning to focus on growing a certain aspect of your business, or you’ve been putting off spending some time on yourself, you can. We’re here to make things easier for you, whenever you need.
Manage Your Routine:
As we’ve mentioned prior here, working from home can throw things off a little. This may mean that it can be harder for you to stick to a regular ‘working day’, and honestly- that's just fine!
However, pair this with having to spend time on tedious admin tasks too, and you may find yourself working later than you’d want, or being beholden to a full-time staff member to train to do these tasks. Outsourcing your admin means you can pay for the hours you need, and spend your time whenever you want, working on whatever you want.
Have a Well-Deserved Break:
Working full-time non-stop will eventually take its toll on even the biggest workaholics out there. It really is far too easy to allow yourself to be overrun with work, and whilst it certainly is commendable to pour your everything into your business- it will catch up with you eventually.
Allow yourself the weekends for rest and relaxation, seeing friends, or even just sitting and catching up on a book/ show you’ve been meaning to. Give yourself a much-needed rest, and hand over your admin tasks to a team that cares.

We hope that this gave you a little more insight as to why you should consider outsourcing your admin, and all of the wonderful ways it can help your work-life balance. For more reasons and advice on outsourcing your admin/ customer service, have a browse through our blog posts here. Alternatively, if you’d like to get a little more information on how we could help your business, do get in touch here and we’d be more than happy to have a chat with you.