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Employee Well-Being During the Winter Months


Updated: Nov 30, 2021

The colder months are steadily approaching, with days becoming shorter, darker and generally a little more grey. Whilst working from home does mean we have less stressful commutes to work, that’s not to say it comes without it’s own challenges.

So amongst all the upcoming festivities, make sure you have a chat with your team and see how they’re coping during the colder months. Here are a few tips we have for both you and your employees’ well-being this autumn/ winter.

1. Get some fresh air:

Despite the cold, it’s still super important to still get outside for some fresh air. Take a walk during your lunch break, or before the working day starts. If you have a dog, it’s a great opportunity to take them for a walk during your working day, too.

This is a good thing to remember regardless of the weather when working from home. It can get a little too easy to just remain in the same spot for 8 hours and popping outside can do wonders for your physical and mental health.

This will also help break up those monotonous days and you’ll have the perk of natural daylight for essential Vitamin D production (which will boost your mood).

2. Change up your surroundings:

Working from home, we know how easy it can be to find yourself forming the habit of working from the same area of your home each day. Switch things up to simply working in the kitchen, a shared lounge space, anywhere that has lots of natural light available. Alternatively, you can always choose to pop into the office if like us you take a flexi approach and have the office open a couple days a week.

If you find yourself feeling the negative effects of such a sedentary job, consider a standing desk. This can be beneficial to those prone to both neck and back pain, and there are studies that show it can potentially boost productivity.

Even something as simple as buying a plant or some flowers to brighten up your desk can work wonders. Being in a different environment can massively help with focus, and you’ll likely feel better from the change of surroundings.

3. Remember to set boundaries:

Working from home can blur the lines between work and well, home. Working throughout lunch or impulsively checking emails simply because your laptop is still there can make having a cut-off point even more difficult in the long-run.

It’s important to separate yourself when you clock off or you’ll be at high risk of burning out. Overworking yourself unnecessarily is detrimental to your mental health, so remember to log out and take some time to yourself in the evenings.

For those of you managing a team, communicate these boundaries often and clearly to your employees, let them know they should take time to recharge before work begins again the next day.

4. Take care of yourself:

Working from an office can have its benefits in that you do not have to worry about heating costs, more often than not you’ll remember lunch as you’ll probably take it at the same time as some of your colleagues. However, working from home can leave you ignoring simple things like keeping warm and taking care of your well-being.

For those colder days, stay wrapped up, heat the room you’re working in, make a hot drink and settle in for the working day. Plan your meals and ensure you’re nourishing yourself to keep your energy levels up.

It’s always good to check-in with yourselves and your employees to ensure everyone isn’t prioritising work over themselves.

Your employees should be one of your most valuable assets, and sharing some simple tips like this, alongside checking in with them to see how they’re doing during these months shows you value and care about them.

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